Monsun Geosci, 94 Main St, Antrim, NH 03440,, 603-209-9222
Scientific and Technical Services in the Geosciences

94 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440 | 603-209-9222 |

Principal Scientist Timothy Allen, Ph.D. - Bio Sketch - Curriculum Vitae

Instrumentation for Cathodoluminescence Petrography

Currently MonSun GeoSci is working as a sub-contractor to RELION Industries, LLC, manufacturer of the "RELIOTRON" cold-cathodoluminesence instrument used in geology and other material sciences -- using an electron beam to make rocks light up! Together, we also provide service and parts for other makes of cold-cathode CL instruments, such as Luminoscopes by Nuclide.

MonSun GeoSci is involved in all aspects of the manufacture, service, repair, and development of these instruments, including field service and installations, as well as related special projects (e.g., automation of the XY mechanism in the CL stage).

Other Analytical Techniques and Field Experience

In addition to "CL," other analytical techniques that we have had experience with include X-Ray Fluorescence Wavelength-Dispersive Spectrometry, Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, and Electron Microprobe Analyses, all of which involve electronic and mechanical systems, operating at medium to high vacuum, and using some form of radiation or charged-particle beam...

Other experience includes geological mapping in crystalline bedrock terranes, including mineral resource exploration integrating geophysical and geochemical studies, as well as some experience in hydrogeologic field studies and consulting.

Machine Shop and other Capabilities

In-house capabilities at MonSun GeoSci currently include machining of metals, plastics, and wood (manual milling, turning, drilling, etc...), mechanical and electronic assembly, and vacuum system testing.


Regarding our name, MonSun GeosSci, hopefully the GeoSci part is self-explanatory. The MonSun refers to Mount Monadnock and Mount Sunapee, two high points on the watershed divide between the Connecticut and Merrimack river drainages in western New Hampshire, where Dr. Allen grew up (literally on that watershed divide!); the logo consists of overlapping silhouettes of Mount Sunapee in blue and Mount Monadnock in green.

October 2024