For some time, I have been interested in the dynamics of the hydrologic cylce, particularly as it relates to groundwater recharge mechanisms and rates. Groundwater recharge is one flux that is usually found by difference once all the other fluxes in the hydrologic cycle have been resolved. So I've worked with undergraduate students on a number of research projects to measure (or attempt to measure) various fluxes in the hydrologic cycle, including inflitration and recharge, both directly, and indirectly via chemical and isotopic means.
Most of these projects have been presented at the annual Keene State College Acadamic Excellence Conference, and were incorporated into a published abstract of a presentation given at a regional scientific meeting:
O'Rourke*, J; Ravella*, M; Lance*, D; Smith*, M; Gruneaur*, A; Stiles*, T; Martin, J; Allen, T; Villanova*, J; and Drobat*, P, 1998. Field Studies of Sub-Surface Hydrologic Dynamics. (Special Undergraduate Research Poster Session) Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, 30(1): 64.
This work was also summarized in another presentation at a national meeting, in the context of teaching college courses on hydrogeology and related subjects:
Allen, T. T. 1998. Field Laboratories in Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, 30(7): A306. (co-convener of theme session)
Johanna Lindberg, Matt Oed, and Destiny Saxon (2000-2001). Use of Stable Isotopes to Investigate Aquifer Recharge from the Ashuelot River
Funded by the KSC Undergraduate Research Fund, $500Jamie O'Rourke (1996-1997), with Bill Graham (1998), and Todd Stiles (1996-1997). Variations in Ground Water Chemistry due to Ground Water Recharge and Plant Uptake.
Funded by the KSC Undergraduate Research Fund, $629M. Andrea Grunauer and Michael W. Smith (1997). The Dynamics of Winter Hydrology in a Wetland System: Soil Moisture Balance
ManuscriptMike Ravella, Don Lance (1995-1996). Potential Aquifer Recharge Locations in the Keene Area
Funded by the KSC Undergraduate Research Fund, $946
ProposalJudith Martin (1995). Evaporation and Solar Energy
Contact Information
Office Phone: 603-358-2571
Lab Phone: 603-358-2582
Mobile Phone: 603-209-9222
FAX: 603-358-2897
Mailing Address: Tim Allen, Mailstop 2001, Keene State College, Keene, NH 03435-2001
This website and all documents presented here were written by Timothy T. Allen in his private capacity. No official support or endorsement by the University System of New Hampshire or Keene State College is intended or should be inferred. Copyright © 1992-2011 Timothy T. Allen.
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December 2010